What is the Best Probiotic for Gas Bloating and Constipation?

Probiotics are trusted sources to improve our gut health. The relation between a healthy gut and overall health is bidirectional. Probiotics can help restore the gut balance and prevent conditions such as bloating and constipation.

As we move ahead, let us understand the significance of probiotics. We will also throw light on selecting the best probiotic for bloating gas and constipation.

Probiotics: What are they?

Probiotics are health supplements rich in good gut bacteria. They help prevent and manage gut-related digestive conditions such as constipation, diarrhea, leaky gut, acne, bloating, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Both dietary sources and food supplements provide beneficial probiotics. Fermented foods, fruits, yogurt are some natural dietary sources. Many probiotic supplements assist in improving conditions associated with gut imbalance too.

Relation between gut imbalance and probiotic supplements

Our gut contains millions of bacteria that are beneficial and harmful for us. Gut balance implies the equilibrium between healthy and unhealthy bacteria. An increase in unhealthy bacteria could disturb the overall health of the individual.

Gut balance is crucial for healthy skin, metabolism, inflammation, weight management, and preventing and managing chronic diseases. Gut bacteria also impact one’s way of thinking as there is a direct relation between gut and brain.

Gut imbalance is often one of the reasons behind constipation and bloating. Probiotic supplements help achieve the needed gut balance and fight all conditions a poor gut triggers.

What are probiotic supplements made of?

Probiotic supplements contain digestive enzyme blends formulated from natural probiotic sources. They ease the digestion of proteins and carbohydrates and prevent bloating and constipation problems. Besides, the best probiotic for bloating gas and constipation stabilizes gut imbalance and assists in:

• Reducing lactose intolerance

• Promoting intestinal microbiota

• Enhancing intestinal permeability

• Developing immunity and preventing infections

• Improving oral health and skin health

Probiotics for various conditions

That said, all probiotics are not the same. Various strains of probiotics treat different health conditions. A wrong probiotic might aggravate the problem instead of treating it. Thus, choosing the best probiotic for bloating gas and constipation is essential to obtain optimal results.

Doctors find that Bifidobacterium lactis Bi-07, Bifidobacterium lactis HN01, and Bifidobacterium lactis HN019 help to attain relief from constipation and bloating.

A right probiotic helps attain relief from various other nagging health issues too. Here is a quick list of probiotic strains and the conditions they help improve:

• Childhood Diarrhea: Lactobacillus reuteri, Lactobacillus rhamnosus

• Eczema: Lactobacillus GG, Lactobacillus rhamnosus

• Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus Plantarum

• Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Streptococcus thermophiles

Points to note while choosing probiotics:

The selection of probiotics must be based on the precise health condition. A doctor would suggest the perfect probiotic that treats the problem efficiently.

• Probiotics can be child-specific or adult-specific. Check the instructions thoroughly before using them, especially for children.

• Like any health supplements, probiotics need to be taken in mentioned doses. Excessive consumption to attain faster relief or benefits is never advisable.

• Probiotics can trigger bloating or constipation too. It could indicate that your stomach is adjusting to the probiotic or that you are consuming the wrong probiotic strain.

Tips to benefit from probiotics

To enhance the absorption of probiotics, make sure to include prebiotics in food. Foods such as onions, soybean, asparagus, bananas, bread, artichoke, garlic are excellent prebiotics. Homemade pickles, fermented foods, Hiso soup, sour cream, bitter chocolate, aged cheese, yogurt, and buttermilk are great probiotics.

A combination of both prebiotics and probiotics is essential for a healthy gut. However, symptoms such as constipation and bloating indicate that gut balance is disturbed, and it is time to take probiotic supplements to reverse them.

A healthy lifestyle and regular exercise are essential to maintaining a healthy gut. Yoga and pranayama are proven to keep away the issues related to leaky gut.


Gut bacteria is a signature of every individual. It varies with genes, lifestyle, and habits. Dietary habits, sleep patterns, and stress could negatively impact gut balance. By choosing the right probiotic supplements, we can enjoy a gut-imbalance-free lifestyle. Always consider your doctor’s opinion before including probiotics in your diet. Children, pregnant women, and persons suffering from chronic diseases need an expert diagnosis and advice to choose safe and effective probiotics.