What are the Pros and Cons of Drinking Yerba Mate Tea

There are many delicious choices of teas and energizing drinks available, and it can be difficult to choose! Are you considering whether or not to include Yerba Mate Tea into your variety of choices? Many websites discuss the health benefits of this tea, but what are the pros and cons of drinking Yerba mate tea? Is the Yerba Mate Energy Drink for you?

Where did Yerba Mate Tea come from?

This tea is all over the place. What exactly is it? Yerba Mate is a beverage made from the leaves and stems of the holly tree. It makes for a popular beverage in South America, where it is prepared and consumed with ritual. It is a drink to be shared. It’s taste is said to be smoky, and a bit sweet, but with a bitter aftertaste. It does have a lot of caffeine, but it is a natural caffeine. and The Yerba Mate Energy Drink is a popular choice among those looking for an energizer that does not leave one feeling edgy and jittery.

What are the pros of drinking Yerba Mate Tea?

The name Yerba Mate means herbal infusion — a tea made from plants. Plants contain a variety of phytochemicals, which are substances that help plants resist bacteria, fungi, and viruses that can harm. These chemical compounds are beneficial and work as adaptogens. Yerba Mate energy drink does contain a lot of adaptogens, to help the human body strengthen its metabolism, aid with weight loss, help lower cholesterol and help to fight bacterial infections. Yerba Mate Energy drinks are an excellent source of antioxidants, magnesium, vitamin C and Zinc.

The Yerba Mate in tea and Yerba Mate energy drink provides increased energy and provides all the benefits that a caffeinated beverage can give. Benefits such as improved concentration, increased alertness and improvements in performance. This is why it is a wonderful base for an energy drink.

What are the cons of drinking Yerba Mate Tea?

It does seem as though the pros of drinking Yerba Mate Tea outweigh the cons, but there are still some things to consider. One is that many of the health benefits come from caffeine, and although this is a high-quality caffeine, like that found in green tea, it is still a stimulant. Too much can interfere with sleep and so Yerba Mate can have the same negative effects that other caffeinated drinks have. Pregnant women, and nursing mothers should be careful. As well, not everyone likes the taste of Yerba mate tea. It can be more bitter than it is sweet, so it takes some getting used to, and some tea drinkers require sugar additions.

Will you choose to trade your morning coffee for a Yerba mate energy drink? For those who are careful and pay attention to ingredients, Yerba Mate is a very good choice. A Yerba Mate Energy Drink is a very good choice for anyone who is looking for a healthy energy boost at some point in the day. Choosing Yerba mate energy drinks over sports drinks or coffees can provide health benefits and real, feel-good energy that elevates mood, mind and body. Plus, when the supporting ingredients in the energy drink are good for you too, then the benefits don’t stop!

Supporting Ingredients?

Yerba Mate energy drinks don’t have to be a strict hot tea like beverage. In fact, Yerba Mate is not strictly a tea at all, since it is not made from the Camellia Sinensis plant. It is a herb and when it is taken cold, it can include other adaptogens and plants that enhance the taste and have further health benefits. Acerola Cherry, for example, is high in vitamin C, and Suma root helps the body reduce stress. Guarana is another ingredient found in most energy drinks. Guarana is rich in antioxidants and helps to reduce fatigue and improve focus.


Those who love Yerba mate are lifelong supporters. If you haven’t tried this yet, and if you are looking for something that energizes and is good for you too, give this a try. And for those who don’t want to get their energy from a hot drink, or for anyone looking for a quick, easy, and tasty cold sports tea, the Yerba Mate energy drink comes in a can that can go with you anywhere.