What Are the Best Vegan Protein Powders?

Plan-based protein powders are God-sent! The best vegan protein powder is quite useful for people with food sensitivities, such as lactose intolerance. For people who eschew animal products, but do not wish to give up the muscle-building and recovery benefits, vegan protein powders are super helpful.

With the wide variety of protein powders available, it can be difficult to figure out the right protein powder for your needs. So how does one go about choosing the best vegan protein powders? Choosing the best protein supplement for your health goals requires asking a few questions to yourself. Do you want a complete protein? What flavor do you like best? Do you want to take a protein isolate? What are your fitness goals? If you are vegan then you have additional criteria to consider when making your decision—is this protein powder vegan?

1. Is it a complete protein powder?

If you are looking for a complete protein powder, you must ensure that the protein powder is a complete source of protein. A complete protein contains all nine essential amino acids, namely histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine. Your body combines these organic compounds to form the proteins needed to perform important functions such as growing and repairing muscle tissue. Now you know why protein shakes are a constant for many athletes. Therefore, when choosing the best vegan protein powder, ensure that you are choosing a blend.

2. How many grams of protein does it

The Institute of Medicine (IOM) recommends a daily protein intake of 0.8 grams per kilogram of your body weight. For an average woman living a fairly sedentary life, approximately 46 grams of protein per day, and 56 grams per day for a man is recommended.

3. What is the source of protein?

Soy protein, pea protein, brown rice protein, and hemp protein are some of the most popular sources of plant proteins. Consider these sources in relation to your own needs. For example, if you are trying to limit your soy intake, then you may want to choose an option made from brown rice and pea protein instead. Based on your preference, you may also want to check if the source of the plant-based protein is organic and non-GMO.

4. What about sugar in protein powders?

Vegan protein powders are no exception to added sugar in the list of ingredients. In small quantities, added sugar does not pose an immediate danger to your health; in fact, it adds flavor to your dose of protein. However, it does add additional calories without any additional nutrients.

5. What flavors of vegan protein are available?

When choosing a vegan protein powder, do not compromise on the taste. After all, you will mostly want to have it every day. No matter the flavor you are looking for, pay attention to the quantity of added sugars. Naturally flavored protein powders offer just as much flavor as artificially flavored protein powders, which can leave an aftertaste. For those who prefer a plain protein powder, you can add many flavorful ingredients such as fresh fruit or peanut butter.

6. Lookout for adverse side effects

Once you have narrowed down the best vegan protein powder, make sure to research the brand thoroughly. Look up their scientific research backing their claims, and their ingredient sourcing. Get to know the ingredients. Look whether the brand uses organic ingredients or other variables. Look for signs of that the brand is trustworthy and is research oriented; for instance, check if the company works with medical professionals to create products with the consumer. Check whether the company and its partners have proper accreditation. Most importantly, choose a brand that you trust and feel has your best interest at heart.

There, we just gave you six super helpful and important factors to consider when selecting the best vegan protein powder. Make use and bring those flat abs and curvy biceps coming!