The Dos and Don’ts of Drinking Yerba Mate

Yerba mate is fast becoming one of the most delicious and sought-after drinks on the planet. Originally hailing from the lush areas of South America, it has long been used as a medicinal drink, an alternative to coffee and as an important beverage in the everyday lives of local residents. In fact, much of South America drinks more yerba mate than coffee on a daily basis. There are plenty of ways to drink yerba mate, so we thought it’d be nice to look at the main dos and don’ts of enjoying this delicious beverage, and how you can find a variety of yerba mate that you’ll love.

DO: Try different types

Some people are hardline traditionalists with their yerba mate. They like it in a gourd, prepared in the traditional way. That’s totally fine for them. But for you, there may be a different way that you love to enjoy yerba mate. Try all kinds of different approaches to the yerba mate drink, from the traditional ways to sparkling teas, in smoothies and more. Yerba mate is so versatile that it can be enjoyed in a lot of different ways. Try them all and find the one you like best!

DON’T: Speed up the process

There are lots of ways to enjoy yerba, including grab-and-go teas, but if you’re going to prepare it yourself, why not take your time and get it done right? Preparing yerba mate is a lot like preparing coffee: it can be a ritual unto itself that makes the final product so much more satisfying. So, if you’re going to make a yerba mate for yourself, make sure you learn the process and don’t rush it. Let the preparation itself become a positive experience.

DO: Enjoy with friends

Yerba mate, like most things in life, is best enjoyed with friends! Rather than having it by yourself, why not prepare some for you and friends or family? The ritual of making it can be enjoyed by multiple people as well, which makes it a fun, social activity.

DON’T: Think you don’t like it without trying it

So many people don’t end up enjoying any kind of yerba mate drink because they’ve decided that they won’t like it. While yerba mate does have a distinctive flavor, that doesn’t mean you won’t like it ever. In fact, you can find many a yerba mate drink that blends its flavors with all kinds of ingredients. From the zing of lemon and ginger to the sweetness of peach and mango, there is a flavor combination of yerba mate that you are sure to love.

DO: Think about it as an alternative to coffee

While your average yerba mate drink has less caffeine than your average cup of coffee, it also has several benefits that coffee does not. Chief among those benefits are adaptogens. Most coffee products do not contain any of these powerful herbal compounds. You can, however, easily find adaptogens in many a yerba mate drink to enjoy.

Adaptogens are plants that contain special ingredients that help boost our energy and regulate our stress levels. They work in a number of different ways but essentially, they target cortisol, the stress hormone released by our bodies, and help us feel calmer and more relaxed throughout the day.

Cortisol has many benefits in fight or flight situations. The issue, however, is that our bodies have a hard time differentiating between life-threatening situations and the stresses of modern life. As a result, excess cortisol can run through our veins and cause lasting damage.

Because adaptogens are quite common, it means you can get an energy-boosting drink without risking the jittery side effects of coffee or chemical energy drinks. Because of the calming effects of yerba mate, you can also enjoy a more sustained and enjoyable energy boost that won’t make you feel anxious or stressed. Instead, you’ll get the boost you need without the annoying side effects.

DON’T: Use boiling water when preparing on your own

Finally, if you’re preparing your own yerba mate, don’t fully boil the water. Just like other tea products, yerba mate does better in hot water but not completely boiling. If you boil a pot of water for yerba, let it cool a bit before using it. This will help bring out the full flavor and effects of the yerba.

Whether it’s in the traditional manner or as a refreshing yerba mate drink. You can get plenty of benefits from yerba mate. Make sure you try it in its many different forms to discover what you like best so you can enjoy the energy boosts and potential healthy benefits of this delicious drink in the way you love most.