How To Get Motivated with an Energy Tea

Certainly, motivation comes from within, but that doesn’t mean a little help cannot come from without from time to time! No one can expect to be ready to go and full of energy all the time, but the opposite need not be true either. Sometimes, relying on something nourishing and delicious can make a big difference to how much you feel like getting started. What do people usually choose for motivation? Coffee, an energy drink, or some other mood enhancer? Maybe, but how about an energy tea? Yes, you can get motivated with an energy tea. Here is why, and how to make the switch.

Why choose tea to motivate yourself?

Tea has all anyone needs, whether it is served cold as part of an energy drink, or taken as a soothing, comforting warm beverage. Tea contains healthy ingredients, as well as energizing ingredients like caffeine, and mentally stimulating ingredients like peppermint or ginger. Real tea comes from the Camelia sinensis plant and all teas from that plant contain caffeine in different amounts.

However, there is more to motivation than taking an energy boost from caffeine. Tea contains L-theanine, an amino acid that is said to help with mental function, focus and it lowers stress and anxiety. When looking for the energy to improve focus and thinking, tea is calming and relaxing. That combination of the caffeine and the L-theanine really gives the focus and the motivation to get started. Thanks to these two things, energy tea is a boost for brain and body,

An energy tea may contain adaptogens too

Adaptogens are natural plants — herbs and mushrooms that are especially healthy because they have learned to adapt to the stressful conditions they live under. So, an energy tea is even better when the beverage contains adaptogens as those too can help the body feel better, focused and ready to go.

Is caffeine healthy?

Yes, it is, providing the source is right. The caffeine in coffees and sports drinks can give a boost of energy, but coffee causes a crash that can’t be trusted. Its benefits do not release as slowly or last as long as caffeine in energy tea. Too much caffeine and added sugars also come with a worry that consumption will lead to a dependency and sleepless nights. Worry does not help with motivation.

How to get motivated with an energy tea

Always choose an energy tea with care. Choose one with a slow release of caffeine and a tea with added benefits if you are looking for a drink that improves more than just energy. The way to motivate yourself through these difficult times is to stay calm and focused on what is needed. The truth is drinking tea makes you feel better, gives the brain a boost of energy, as well as containing ingredients to give the rest of the body a boost of energy. Motivation comes from the brain. Take those same benefits from what you have already consumed, as that is the best way to keep finding your own source of motivation from within. When you need more energy of any kind, take it from a nourishing tea.

Where to find the energy tea

Sometimes motivation comes from not having to prepare the things that are needed as they are needed. It’s nice to be able to have something ready-made and ready to consume. That is why coffee and sports drinks with sugars already in them are convenient. Healthy energy tea can have the same benefit if it is already prepared. An organic adaptogenic energy tea is delicious and always ready to drink.

Need another reason?

Not only is it motivating to understand the ingredients being consumed, it is also nice to know where they come from and that by consuming them, you are benefiting the environment and the people who live and work in it. Energy tea from the best companies contain ingredients from the Amazon. Instead of depleting the resources and taking away from the land, they give back by protecting it with agro-forestry technologies that replenish the soil nutrients and provides local jobs too.