Common Fried Chicken Mistakes to Avoid

Fried chicken is a true labor of love. While it is easy to find the best fried chicken in Albuquerque, it is not as easy to prepare it. Here are some common fried chicken mistakes and proven ways to avoid them. Simply follow these tips for the crispiest, juiciest fried chicken to have come of your kitchen.

Mistake 1: Choosing a big chicken

Big chicken does not always make for better chicken. A larger bird takes more time to cook, resulting in underdone meat and overdone crust. Two and a half- or three-pound bird is ideal.

Mistake 2: Frying the breasts whole

Cutting each breast in half, crosswise, prevents the white meat from drying out and helps even cooking of all the pieces.

Mistake 3: Skipping the brine

Brining helps tenderize the meat and adding flavor to the meat. A simple, no-fail mix of salt and water or buttermilk, with an eight-hour soak, is ideal. When you are ready to fry, make sure to drain and rinse the brine.

Mistake 4: Not patting it dry

If the chicken is too wet and not dried accurately, you will not get a nice, even coating of the flour. Seemingly small, this step is crucial.

Mistake 5: Not seasoning your flour

While flavoring is a personal choice, and you may add any spices of your liking, stick to salt and pepper for a classic fried chicken.

Mistake 6: Double dipping

Too much flour makes for a soggy crust, so dredge the chicken once and keep the coating light. Simply place the seasoned flour in a plastic zip-top bag, add the chicken in batches, and seal it. Shake to evenly coat, and repeat with the remaining chicken.

Mistake 7: Using a pot

Choosing the right pan, pot, or skillet is as important as a good recipe. Unless you are frying chicken for a big party, you do not need to use a deep pot. A high-sided cast-iron skillet will give you a crispy texture and make it easier to turn the chicken in the pan as it cooks.

Mistake 8: Choosing the wrong fat

While peanut oil is the preferred Southern oil for frying chicken, vegetable oil also has a high smoke point and neutral flavor. Adding ¼ cup of bacon drippings will infuse the oil with a deliciously smoky flavor, and take your fried chicken preparation to a whole new level.

Mistake 9: Frying at the wrong temperature

Attaining the right oil temperature is key to amazing fried chicken. When the chicken hits the pan, you want to start out with very hot oil—around 360˚. Maintain that temperature between 300˚ to 325˚ as you fry the chicken.

Mistake 10: Skin side up

When you add the flour-coated chicken to the pan, make sure that the skin side is facing down. This helps the fat render, keeping flabby skin at bay.

Mistake 11: Overcrowding the pan

Always fry your chicken in batches so it browns evenly. There should be enough space to easily turn the pieces in the pan. Do not move the chicken too much while it is cooking. You want it to turn deep golden brown on all sides.

Mistake 12: Not covering your pan while frying

As the chicken cooks, cover the pan with a lid. This traps the heat and helps render the fat and water from the chicken, allowing for a crisp crust to form and evenly cooked meat.

Mistake 13: Eating it immediately

This is the most commonly committed mistake. Curb the temptation to grab a piece right out of the pan. Now, transfer the chicken to paper towels to drain as soon as it is done cooking. A short rest allows the juices inside the chicken to redistribute and the crust to cool down. This ensures that your mouth is not scalded by the piping hot dish.

Whether you enjoy the best fried chicken in Albuquerque or prepare it home, you now know some of the common mistakes and the steps to avoid them. Hit the kitchen with renewed confidence and step out with great fried chicken.